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American Overdrive


ToadWorks Leo Jr is an overdrive effect pedal that emulates the classic American overdrive that made Rock & Roll what it is today.

A scaled down version of our Li'l Leo pedal, Leo Jr delivers all the tone with a minimum of tweakage. Priced to fit any budget, Leo Jr easily re-creates the classic tube overdrive of vintage American amplifiers.

Leo would be proud, and so will you.

<Musicforce A/S Regulation>

The Term of Warranty
무상 A/S 기간은 구입일로부터 6개월입니다.
Untransferable Warranty
A/S Warranty는 뮤직포스에서 제품을 구매하신 최초구매자에게만 적용되며 제3자에게 상품판매 혹은 양도시
그 효력이 소멸됩니다.
소비자 과실로 인한 파손이나 오작동 발생시에는 유상으로 A/S가 진행됩니다.