CMAT Mods Signa Compressor

The Signa Comp (Compressor) has controls for Sustain, and Level. Footprint of a Boss or Ibanez and has a bright blue LED and True Bypass.

I came up with this Compressor and I think it has a really nice wide range of application. It is very smooth with a lot of sustain and pop. Great low end. This can do Rock, Jazz, Country, Nashville, well you get the idea, not your standard Ross clone!. I use matched transistors, and it is true Bypass.

Pedal is quiet as far as compressors go with hardly any noise. The Signa Comp is also available in a 4 Knob version that adds Tone control and Attack control, to give you even more control over YOUR TONE!

Comes STANDARD in Copper.


본 제품은 100% Handmade로 작업이 이루어지므로, 외관이나 노브 조작감이

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